Does Your Child Need a Flu Shot?

There are a lot of people asking if their children are generally healthy, do they really need a flu shot and the short answer is yes, they do! Not having your child vaccinated could potentially place them in real danger. It is estimated that over 20,000 children under the age of five years are hospitalized each flu season. This is because children are at a greater risk of catching the flu and having complications than any other group. This is especially so in school or childcare where a flu shot is very important to protect your child and any other children they come into contact with.

  • Children between 6 months and 18 years should be vaccinated each year.
  • Parents and all the people who have close contact with children should also be vaccinated, including all child workers school teachers and those in the public service. This is especially important for people who care for children under 6 months old.
  • Children between 6 months and 9 years old who are having a flu shot for the first time will need to have two doses, one month apart. The first of the doses introduces the virus into the child’s system and the second dose gives them the immunity they need.

Kids that are at the greatest risk and need to be vaccinated include any children with the following chronic health conditions:

  • Asthma or any other type of lung or allergic conditions
  • Any condition that affects their breathing
  • Those with a weakened immune system
  • Those with a kidney problem or disease
  • Those suffering from high blood pressure or Heart Disease
  • Any diabetic condition

Every year the flu virus mutates and there is a different strain, so each year new enhanced vaccines that are developed to target the new strain that you are likely to encounter which is why it is important to have a new flu shot at the start of every flu season. This is at the end of April to the end of May, but this can vary so even if you are late getting the family flu shots it is still important to have that protection.Unborn and pregnant women are also considered to have a high risk of developing severe complications so are advised to have an early

Best Spore Oil Soft Gel for a Healthy Body

The best remedy for all your health problem is spore oil soft gel. A Chinese company undertakes it. Ganoderma lucidum spore oil soft gel helps you to build your immunity throughout life. These soft gel comes in a yellow capsule. It will give you relief from many internal body problems. It is also known as Reshi spore oil soft gel.

The Uniqueness about this Spore Gel

This Ganoderma gel is used for many purposes like respiratory problems, heart diseases, tumors, cancers, lung problems, etc. It will give relief from diseases and infections that occur in your body. They have proven that this reshi gel is effective. It is made from Ganoderma powder, but oil is more effective than powder.

Ganoderma lucidum soft gel increases the body’s energy to fight against viruses. It helps to replenish the body cells and make the person more active. Daily injection of this spore oil gel will improve the body’s system. It has also been found to be fruitful for pains. You can use it for headaches or sprains.


You can use reshi gel by extracting the oil from the capsule and applying to infected areas or injecting it into the body. It helps to cure the patient naturally without taking any therapy that will harm the body. For various diseases, there are different time durations to use this spore oil gel.

For the purification of blood cells, taking the reshi gel daily will help to solve this problem. It will relieve discomfort and improve your immunity. It also acts as an anti-aging purpose. It is the best oil a woman could want to increase her age. Many Chinese people take this medicine as an effective buy.

Natural Product to Use

It is a 100% natural product developed from a fungus shell. It acts as an herb and cures people from time to time. It can be used for normal or severe problems. It is also effective for gastrointestinal problems, stomach-related problems, or any anti-inflammatory problems. Keeping this spore oil soft gel at your home will be efficient in dealing with problems in the family.

Carrying this natural product is more effective than any other therapy. It takes some time to reap the benefits, but it is the best medicine to have with no side effects. This natural reshi soft gel is laboratory-tested and experimented on for all human-related problems. Women must take a daily dosage of this gel to purify the body and have energetic immunity.

Use of Formic Acid in Humans and in Nature

Formic acid causes a tingly severe burning sensation when it touches our skin. This chemical is found in the venom of most ant species. In plants, you will find it in the sap released by certain species of stinging nettles. In higher concentrations, this acid is hazardous, but in a mild form, you can even use it as a food preservative due to its anti-bacterial quality. It is present in pesticides, insecticides, cosmetics and is also used in other forms for various industrial processes.

In Humans

Did you know that our bodies also make this chemical? But in smaller quantities, though. It is produced from the methanol that our bodies inhale, ingest or produce. Our bodies make methanol from a chemical called aspartame. Our system converts aspartame into aspartic acid, methanol, and phenylalanine. Eventually the methanol gets transformed into formic acid. Inside our bodies it is in a very dilute form so it is not dangerous.

In Ants

The name is derived from the Latin word “formica” which translates to ant in English. John Ray, an English naturalist, was the first person to discover the presence of this chemical in ants. He made this discovery in 1671 by distilling the crushed bodies of ants and extracting the acid, which he later named as formic acid. Ants use this substance as a defence against attacks from other creatures. They grab the perpetrator with their jaws (mandibles) and inject the pain-inducing compound into them. The stringer that injects the toxin is located at the end of their abdomens.

Is this a Dangerous Substance?

The toxicity of this substance depends on its concentration. At higher concentrations, it is extremely corrosive, has an intense odour and produces toxic fumes. It can cause blisters and burns on the skin, damage the mucous membranes in the mouth, injure the eyes and affect our respiratory system. You will experience difficulty in breathing if you inhale the fumes released by this chemical. It has been shown that prolonged exposure to this element can lead to kidney and liver damage. It creates the same effects as another widely used industrial agent, Nitric acid.


There are several uses of this compound in our everyday life, such as:

  • Due to its anti-bacterial nature, it is often used in the manufacture of cattle feed to prevent it from getting spoiled.
  • This ingredient is also added to canned food products as preservatives.
  • To create artificial flavour it is also added to certain foods and drinks.
  • In cosmetics, this compound is included to create artificial scents.
  • It also finds use in the leather tanning industry, in the processing and manufacture of paper and textiles and in converting rubber tree latex into rubber.

In all the above mentioned industries, it is used in a diluted form, making it less dangerous to humans and animals.

EM Sculptor Technology: An Introduction

EM sculptor is a type of non-invasive procedure that helps remove fat and boosts the development of muscle in your buttocks and abdomen. Primarily, people go for this procedure to heal their diastasis recti. It’s very common in women after pregnancy as they experience the separation of muscles of their abdomen. Let’s find out more about this treatment.

How Does the Machine Work?

This machine fires high-intensity concentrated electromagnetic energy that causes a lot of contractions in your muscles. As a result, your muscles get toned and strengthened.

How Effective Is this Procedure?

Many studies have been done to test EM Sculptor. After four sessions involving 200 volunteers, 96% of the individual was satisfied, 19% experienced subcutaneous fat and 16% put on muscle mass.

Some Features of EM Sculptor

EM Sculptor is a procedure that helps tone and develops your muscles at the same time. This device contracts your muscles up to 20,000 times in less than 30 minutes. So, it works better than exercise.

The procedure helps burn fat stored in your body and feeds muscles. As a result, the patient may experience a 16% higher force and a 19% reduction in fat.

You need to exercise your hip and abdominal muscles. The function of the EM Sculptor is to tone your V lines abs and give more strength to your belly oblique muscles.

This procedure works great for women looking to lose their love handles, especially after pregnancy.

If you want to get firmer abs, you may want to give a go to EM Sculptor and you won’t regret your decision.

People with incontinence and urine infiltration may feel better post this procedure. Basically, the procedure helps boost collagen production in your pelvic floor muscle.

What is Downtime?

The good news is that EM Sculptor is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure. Therefore, it causes no pain at all. During the treatment session, you will feel the contractions just like the ones you feel when you exercise your buttocks or abs. During this procedure, it’s the machine that does the hard work for you.

Another great thing about this procedure is that you don’t need to go through any recovery time. Therefore, you can get back to your routine activities, such as exercise. There is no need to get bed rest before you can resume your routine work.